Have you considered switching to Bioheat? Bioheat is biodiesel for home heating and it works in any oil furnace. No changes or alterations necessary. Our B25 is a blend of 25% used cooking oil and grease made by our supply partner SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel, combined with 75% ultra-low sulfur heating oil. We also offer B50 and B99 blends. Our prices can change everyday, but with no cost to switch, it makes sense to look at it today. Not only is it curently less expensive, it is one of the only truely "green" home heating fuels.Industry studies show that heating with B25 has a lower carbon footprint than heating with natural gas.Our B25 is also local, coming from used restaurant grease and various other waste oils that would normally go into local landfills. So, switch to bioheat and feel good about our environment while saving money.