There are two types of coverage for your heating oil tank.If you are currently heating with oil or bioheat, you need both types. First is P.L.I.A. coverage, which stands for Pollution Liability Insurance Agency. The PLIA program is a Washington State agency program that is free to consumers. It provides up to $60,000 in clean up coverage, should your tank fail. It does not provide funds for the replacement of the tank itself (see below). While PLIA coverage is free, YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE PROGRAM. Call us at 206-722-1545 for a form, or go to the state website and download it. The vast majority of tanks that leak need far less than $60,000 of cleanup, but it's certainly comforting to have a high limit.One other thing. This is a program that comes up for a renewal vote in the state legislature in 2012. It is a very important program that costs taxpayers nothing. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR WASHINGTON STATE REPRESENTATIVE AND TELL THEM TO VOTE YES FOR PLIA.The second type of coverage is Tank Replacement or Tank Insurance. This is insurance to replace your tank only, if it fails. Genesee offers Tank Replacement coverage for $63 per year. Without this coverage a tank replacement will cost you around $2,000 to $2,500. So, unless you think your tank has at least 30 more years of life left, it pencils out to be a winner.There you have it. Between the state PLIA program and our Tank Replacement program you can rest easy knowing that Genesee has you covered.