August 2014Labor Day. What does it mean for you? A day of shopping to take advantage of all those Labor Day sales? A day off work? The end of Summer? Back to school?The first official Labor day dates back over 100 years ago, to September 5, 1882. This historic Labor Day was celebrated with a Parade at Union Square in New York city.During the midst of the American Labor Movement, the observance of Labor Day was dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers, as they contributed to the strength and prosperity of the country.Among the elite in the late 1800's - 1900's, Labor Day signified the last day of the year that it was socially acceptable to wear white. The wives of the high society created certain rules to determine who measured up and who didn't.Although in recent history, Labor Day has marked the last day of Summer and back to school, this is not as much the case anymore either. At least in the northwest, Summer seems to continue through mid September, and schools go back in session anytime between late August and early September.But for most, Labor Day continues to be a day off work or school, as it is still a recognized federal holiday. Contemporary celebrations of Labor Day often include family picnics, BBQ's, camping, shopping, and watching football.Whatever Labor Day means to you, and however you choose to celebrate, we hope you enjoy it.We celebrated early with a company BBQ.