From cooking grease to fuel.

December 10, 2013

From cooking grease to fuel. THAT is good recycling.

December 10, 2013

Got grease? 'Tis the season for cooking {and feasting}, which means you might end up with buckets of unwanted cooking grease. So, what do you do with it? It can reek havoc on your pipes and is not good for the environment. It's thick, greasy, and has chunks of food in it. Who would want that? Well, believe it or not, your grimy cooking grease is good as gold for companies producing biodiesel. Now THAT is good recycling.The raw material {your used cooking oil and grease} is called feedstock. And its a fairly simple process to filter out the food particles and transform the feedstock into a fuel that can be used to power cars, buses, and, combined with petroleum oil, heat your home. Once the grease has been cleaned, it's called biodiesel. When biodiesel is used to heat your home, it's called BioHeat.Even better news, two local companies (General Biodiesel, and Sequential Biodiesel) are partnering with King County's Wastewater Treatment Division to make it extra easy for you by providing several drop off locations throughout King County. Click on the following links for a map of drop of locations in King County and beyond.For more information on how your used cooking grease is recycled to become biodiesel, visit If you would like to know how the biodiesel becomes BioHeat for heating your home, visit

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