January 7, 2014
Did you know that Seattle ranks #4 overall in the "Green City Index"? This is according to a study of 27 large American and Canadian cities by the Economist Intelligence Unit, conducted for the global corporate giant Siemens. We are good! In the categories of Green building and waste reduction & recycling, we were at the top of the chart. In CO2 emissions, however, we ranked slightly lower. BUT, the good news is, YOU can help!So, what can you do? Every drop in the bucket counts. If you are using oil to heat your home, think about switching to Biodiesel, also know as bioheat, or biofuel.Biodiesel is made from new and used vegetable oils or animal fats and blended with petroleum heating oil. This fuel is renewable,clean burning, and can cut your home heating emissions by 20 percent. That's green heating!For more information, visit our website at geneseeheat.com. We are always happy to answer any questions you have about Bioheat or about any of our other products and services.And, for a great read on Bioheat vs. Natural Gas, download this article from the Portland Tribune on how they match up.